Where is Parihaka located?It is located between Mt Taranaki and the Tasman Sea, in the North Island of NZ.TT
Fact card 1 includes a metaphor - what is it?
“I am for peace. Let the lions rage, I am still for peace.”
3. Explain the metaphor in your own words, what does it mean? It means that I will not attack anyone even if they want to kill, or hurt me.
4. When did the invasion of Parihaka occur? The invasion of Parihaka occurred on the 5th November 1881.
5. Summarise fact card 3 in your own words.
The NZ Government the Crown - promised Maori that they could keep their land. But then they broke the promise and started to take the land of the Maori people. The people of Parihaka did some non violent things to protest this. But the Crown got angry and told the Maori that they had to get of the land in 44 days.
6. How do you think the people of Parihaka were feeling when the troops entered their village?they felt scared because they don't know what's going to happen because their leader told them to give them bread and play games.
7. Why do you think John Bryce wanted to keep journalists away from Parihaka when the invasion was taking place? because they don't want it all over the news
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