
Friday, August 13, 2021

Steroids in sports

Hi i am  showing my Steroids in sports slid. Sow I am going to show my slid.

  I hope you enjoy  what i have have presented.

Thursday, August 12, 2021


 My skills were greater at the start. I got worse than what I already wasI learnt how to set better now for other people. I would like to learn   were the bole will land. I enjoyed most spiking the bole.

NZ Fire Volleyball - Home | Facebook

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

schooner bot do

  we are doing wirk in clase for the schooner 

The schooner is a sail bot that has sails on it  there are 4 sails on the bot. The bot is mad of  wood and it has a sharp looking frant end that has a rod on the frunt.  There are more of them in difrint shap and sises they are not mach of them a rawnd  sow wen you see one please leave my comments and tale me.

Topsail Schooner - Wooden Ships

Monday, August 2, 2021

do now task u-boats

 We are doing a task in class  about  German  u-boats.

A U-boat reloads new torpedoes during World War II. 

 The U-boat was a submarine that appeared seemingly out of nowhere to destroy both military and commercial ships.

the stories of U-boats machine-gunning survivors are simply not accurate